SDL - Stickman Design LLC
SDL stands for Stickman Design LLC
Here you will find, what does SDL stand for in Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Stickman Design LLC? Stickman Design LLC can be abbreviated as SDL What does SDL stand for? SDL stands for Stickman Design LLC. What does Stickman Design LLC mean?Stickman Design LLC is an expansion of SDL
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Alternative definitions of SDL
- Sams Draconic Lizard
- Sam's Draconic Lizard
- Swingin Down The Lane
- Simple Directmedia Library
- Simple DirectMedia Layer
- Specification and Description Language
- Self Directed Learning
- Simple Direct Layer
View 183 other definitions of SDL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SAG Stellar Automotive Group
- SCI Skynet Computers Inc.
- SSDL Salford Supply Desk Ltd
- SSI Sommelier Selection Inc.
- SMI Sanford Marketing Inc
- SPC Santa Paula Chevrolet
- SST Shared Systems Technology
- SPG Security Protection Group
- SLMC Sweet Leaf Marijuana Centers
- SSS Supreme Support Service
- SES Sunrise Environmental Scientific
- SAL Sandhurst Associates Limited
- SFDT Serail Freeze Drying Technology
- SDN Strategic Development Network
- SENML SEN Magazine Ltd
- SAP Sihanoukville Autonomous Port
- SS Students of Strength
- SPG South Pole Group
- SMA Southwest Medical Associates